Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Upstairs Bathroom Before and After

As you have read, last month I updated my upstairs bathroom cabinets, cleaned my grout, and had plans for updating the accessories in "my" bathroom. My husband primarily uses the downstairs bathroom.

Mission accomplished! I am really happy with the subtle modernization of our upstairs bathroom and I can now commit myself to the next project. Of course, if I had a limitless budget, I would keep going a little further with the bathroom. However, I am done for now and am happy with how things turned out.

Let's take a closer look at what I actually did. You will see I added some inexpensive accessories and completed easy DIY projects to update our bathroom. I hope you will find ideas for updating your own space!

Many of the items and techniques you will see in the post were originally pinned to my "Upstairs Bathroom" pin board on Pinterest.

I spray painted the picture frame and wicker basket with Rust-Oleum Paint Plus 2x Ultra Color in satin espresso from Home Depot. The pictures in the frame are vintage cards.

A closer look at the painted wicker basket:

I changed the switch plate from gold to stainless steel. I also updated the bathroom accessories with items from Ikea. I wanted a place to put my jewelry and charge my cell phone, so I got the NORRÖRA 2-piece bathroom dish set (on sale at my Ikea for $2.99). I also got a small clock and replanted my bamboo plant in a galvanized pot and added some decorative stones.
I had Pete replace my brass vanity light with an inexpensive brushed nickel vanity fixture from Home Depot.

I updated our sidewall vent from a bent up gold to a clean white. I tried to spray paint the old vent in brushed nickel but it didn't look quite right, I thought white looked a lot better.

I had a successful shopping trip at Marshalls, where I found my bathroom textiles. I bought a new white chenille bath rug, similar to this one. The old rug was cream and it looked dirty next to my new white vent! I also bought a new tiled hand towel and rag in white, similar to these. I updated my shower curtain hooks to chrome and glass, similar to these found on Amazon.
I might like the old shower curtain hooks better... I can't quite decide.

Lastly, there were a few things I updated that aren't pictured. I got a new white shower curtain rod, a brushed nickel towel hook for behind the door, and a new nickel door stop.

Someday, I might get a spankin' new faucet. Someday...

Well, what do you think of my new bathroom? It is crazy how clean my bathroom looks now and I didn't gut it or anything. Pretty easy, huh?

Friday, February 22, 2013

Adventures of Supermom: Pluses and Minuses of Staying Home with my Kids

Happy Friday, all!

After our usual morning routine was over: waking, changing, feeding, cleaning - I opened the shades and plopped down in my "mama chair" with a semi-hot cup of coffee. With "Snow Storm Q" passing through, I thought I would check and see how my husband's commute was this morning.

Not to my surprise, the Fridley Patch commute update page showed the traffic radar looking like this:

Photo Credit // Fridley Patch
My first thought was, "Holy crap, it must have taken Pete two hours to get to work today!". My second thought was, "Holy crap, I am so glad I don't have to go anywhere today!".

While I was in semi-gloat state mode about not having to leave my cozy 73 degree house, I thought, "Crap, I am stuck in the house all day!".

It is a great feeling to know I hardly ever have to pack up the kids and take them anywhere if I don't want or have to. However, spending a glorious 12 hour day with no help, in the same house, can at any moment become not so glorious.

There are pluses and minuses to every profession. Someone might have a job where they make a million dollars, but in exchange for the money they may never get to see their family. That is just an example.

As a stay-at-home mom, I get the luxury of staying home all day, every day with my fabulous kids. In exchange for that time with my kids I, well - I have to spend all day, every day with my kids!

Any mom or dad would know the double edge sword of the time we spend with our kids. I often find myself teary eyed over the beauty of the little things, like, "I love you, mom", a great trip out, learning, pajama time, special treats, or helping out. However, I also get the everlasting joy of tantrums, refusing to eat, poopy diapers, crabbiness, and mess making.

Those treats are just for starters.

I can tell you without hesitation, I am a super mom. Actually, I am Supermom.

Superman (or Superwoman for the PC readers):
1. A man with more than human powers.
2. An ideal superior man who, according to Nietzsche, forgoes transient pleasure, exercises creative power, lives at a level of experience beyond standards of good and evil, and is the goal of human evolution.

Now, we could get into a philosophical (or theatrical for my Shaw people) discussion, but that is a cup of tea for my Nietzsche-freak husband.

No where in the "definition" of Superman do you see the word perfect, right?

Why do I think I am Supermom? I don't think I am superior, but I do it all in our home and in return I get the simple satisfaction of knowing I did it all. While, I feel like I spend the entire day holding my breath, I try my best to do everything I can for the betterment of my family. That is my primary job.

My husband and I have a semi-unspoken agreement that I take care of everything in the house, including the kids, and he takes care of everything outside of the house. There are plenty of days neither of us wants to do our jobs, but it beats having to decided who has to do what around here. We just know what we have to do, whether we like it or not!

I: am Supermom, cook, clean, shop, make appointments, chauffeur, launder, plan parties, make trips to see family members, and so much more.

My husband: works (12 hours days nonetheless), mows the lawn, takes the garbage to the curb, pays bills, fixes things that are broken, fills the cars with gas (yes, even mine!), maintains the garage, and so much more. On top of these things, he has to come home to crazy-house and be Superdad. On occasion I make him be Superhusband, but that is an entirely different post!

I don't claim to have a life much different than anyone else. As a parent, we work our tails off to make or children and the people around us happy. Whether we are staying home or working, the sacrifices we make are small when we can be assured all of our needs (and our children's) are met and then some.

Ok, let's lighten this post up a little bit here. Here are a few good examples of how being a stay-at-home supermom can have pluses or minuses:

Plus: I don't have to pack up my kids to go anywhere if I don't want to.
Minus: We often get stuck in the house due to: winter storms, tantrums, feeding schedules, ect.

Plus: I have the time to keep a tidy house.
Minus: It takes all day to keep it tidy with my little boys.

Plus: I don't have worry about when the lawn will get mowed.
Minus: If I have to unload the dishwasher one more time today, I might go insane.

Plus: Our fridge is golden.
Minus: I have to coordinate meals far in advance to avoid multiple grocery trips.

Plus: My kids eat very well.
Minus: I cook 3 meals a day.

Plus: I get the advantages of going to popular outings during the day like play lands, and they are never busy.
Minus: I have to chase the kids around by myself.

Plus: I get two hours of alone time when my kids nap.
Minus: This is when I take a shower, do cleaning projects, or work on blog posts. (Ok, ok I do nap, sometimes!)

Plus: I can go to Target whenever I want.
Minus: As a 12 hour mom of 2, I rarely get to go anywhere by myself.

Plus: My kids can come to me anytime during the day, and I am there for them.
Minus: Mom doesn't get sick days.

Plus: I get to do all the shopping.
Minus: Budget 2013.

Hopefully, my pluses and minuses don't sound too depressing! In the scheme of things, I love my life at home. In the same way, a lot of mothers enjoy their work outside the home. We all get sick of it from time to time, but hopefully, we are all doing what we chose to do.

Do you have any funny pluses and minuses about your life? Anything you would change, if you could?

Monday, February 11, 2013

Monday Night Meal Planning

You might think I am a little goofy doing my meal planning on Monday night, but this post has been sitting in draft for the last two days. That is how I like to roll. The title changed from "Sunday Night" to "Monday Meal Planning" to finally, "Monday Night Meal Planning".

The boys and I have a pretty busy week, filled with arts and crafts, and play dates! We got a lot of snow last night, so I had to save my grocery shopping trip today with the boys. I went through the ads in the Sunday paper during the boys' naps and saw there were a few good coupons to use. If you don't get the Sunday paper, one place you can print coupons from is Smart Source.

Also, Aldi has a wide selection of fruits in this week including our favorites: strawberries and blueberries! I really haven't been splurging on these out of season, more expensive fruits this Winter. We have been sticking to mostly apples, oranges, bananas and some canned fruits, too.

Front page of this Sunday's Aldi ad.
Follow Occupation Housewife on Facebook to see how my meals turn out! Last week's dinner menu's consisted of:

Monday: Bisquick chicken pot pie.
Tuesday: Tator tot casserole with salad.
Wednesday: Crock pot beef stroganoff for daddy. The kids and I had a pizza party at a friends house!
Thursday: Pan fried chicken with cream of mushroom and leftover egg noodles.
Friday: Chipotle before the hockey game.
Saturday: Ate out.
Sunday: Frozen pizza (from the $3.33 Target deal) and spaghetti.

This week, I have a few new recipes I would like to try as well as some new spins on old favorites.

Slim Cheesy Potatoes via The Spotted Lamb
Philly Cheese Steak Sloppy Joe's via Six Sisters' Stuff
Red Wine Vinegar Salad Dressing via

This week's dinner menu consists of:
Monday: Vegetarian Chili and sub sandwiches or Hawaiian baked ham sandwiches.
Tuesday: Philly cheese steak sloppy joe's with french fries.
Wednesday: Pizza party night with friends (including fellow blogger from Live the Fancy Life). I won a free pizza from Papa John's during the Super Bowl. We'll see how free it really is!
Thursday: Baked oatmeal casserole for breakfast. NY strips from the freezer, Texas toast and lemon salad for V-day.
Friday: Sliced ham (or I might get a rotisserie chicken from Sam's club) with slim cheesy potatoes.
Saturday: Out to eat night?
Sunday: Pork chops with crock pot red potatoes and red wine vinegar salad.

Tonight, I had a friend from High School over and we caught up over a bowl of veggie chili with cold ham sandwiches on King's Hawaiian buns. I really threw the chili together with my eyes closed but I thought it turned out pretty good for what was in it.

Easy Vegetarian Chili via Two Peas and Their Pod

Easy Veggie Chili inspired by Two Peas and Their Pod

1 28oz can whole tomatoes
1 8oz can tomato sauce
1 can black beans drained and rinsed
1 can chili beans with chili sauce
1 cup frozen corn
1/2 green pepper
1/2 red pepper
1/2 yellow pepper
2 celery stalks
1 medium sweet onion
2 Tbs. chili powder
1 Tbs extra virgin olive oil

First, I sauteed the onion and celery in oil until browned over medium-high heat. I then added the peppers and sauteed until tender.

While my veggies were cooking, I turned my crock pot to high and added the canned tomatoes. I crushed them with my hands to break up the big chunks. I then added peppers and all the other ingredients (you already used the oil to saute your veggies).

I added one Tbs. chili powder but I thought it needed a lot more so I added another Tbs. I gave the chili a big stir and let it sit on high for 2-3 hours. I turned the crock pot to low before serving.

I was considering making the popular Hawaiian baked ham sandwiches I found on Pinterest, but I thought the hot chili would be complimented with a cold sandwich instead. I also served dinner with BBQ kettle chips and my friend brought over red velvet cake with creamy frosting. I was a happy lady!

My husband isn't a huge fan of beans but he actually ate my chili and said he liked it! Go, super-wife!

Are you trying anything new this week?

Thursday, February 7, 2013

DIY Popsicle Stick Family

The boys and I worked on our Valentine's Day cards for family today. While digging through the craft box, I found a large bag of Popsicle sticks I bought at the Salvation Army Thrift Store for $.99. Knowing me, I probably bought them on a coordinating 50% off colored tag sale and got them for $.50. I am stupid cheap like that...

Anyway, without any wood glue, I searched for some ways to use the sticks as a fun learning tool for my kids. I stumbled upon Teawagontale's how-to for her "miss lolly dolly" stick people. The miss lolly dollies are super cute, as she adorned them with washi tape and ribbon.

I decided to make our little family out of the Popsicle sticks. I also wrote the names of our family members on the sticks so David can learn to copy them. He is already a super star at writing his own name, but now he can work on the other names in the family.

I can also use these stick people to ask David:
Who looks the same?
Who looks different?
What color are daddy's pants?
How do you spell "mommy"?
What is James wearing?

In addition to a learning tool, David and James can use their imagination with the Popsicle stick family by creating situations and scenarios for them. I can already see David taking the daddy stick for a ride in the garbage truck!

Popsicle Sticks
Fine Black Pen
Colored Pencils, Crayons or Markers

I started with the notch of the hair and worked my way down on each family member. Once drawn, I lightly colored in the clothing with a colored pencil. I tried to do something a little different on each stick and alternate the colors of the clothing.

This craft is so easy and their are a million and one different things you could draw! Need a few more ideas?

Fruits and Vegetables
Super Heros

I am tempted to make all our grandparents, aunts and uncles, too! Who knows, I may even draw the family dog...

What crafts have you completed lately?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

VAULT: Super Deal on Trumpette Socks Assortment and More!

I recently heard of Vault through the super chic DIY design blog, Dwellings By Devore. Right now, Vault is running the typical "Give $25, Get $25" marketing strategy to get more shoppers to their site. In addition to their clever scheme, bloggers like me can also take the opportunity to share a good deal and also get a payback, too.

Vault is similar to the discount shopping sites like GILT or Zulily. Only, Vault gives you $25 right away when you sign up. A small catch? You have to spend $35 to get the $25 off, but at least you can get some super good deals on women's, men's, baby, and home gear. If you are wise enough to stay in the $35 zone!

Another perk? Free shipping!

A special game I like to play is: how close can I get to $35 exactly? Here are a few good deals I spotted on Vault:

Trumpette Baby Sailors Socks Assortment $30. They are available in many styles.

Zodiak Baby Wash and Lotion $35. Available in all the signs.
Chewbeads Skinny Charles Bangle Set Cobalt $20. More colors available.
Sparq Whiskey Rocks $20.
Reason Clothing Arctic Dots Beanie $14.
Easy Playhouse Crafty Cottage $40.
There is so much stuff on Vault. I have spent the last hour weeding through all the goods!

Happy shopping!

Valentine's Day Ideas for 2013

I have been trying to teach David about "I Love You Day" next Thursday. Even though he totally doesn't get it yet, I hope to do a few sweet things throughout the day to express my love for my kids and our time together.

My kids on Valentine's Day 2012.
It is always fun to do a new craft project. Not only does it promote learning and creativity, but it soaks up a good hour of our 10-12 hour days together. Don't get me wrong, I love being a stay-at-home-mom, but we can only color in the same coloring book or write our ABC's so many times in one day.

Also, James (15 months) is in super destructive little brother mode. It has been hard to remember that while I see him as the baby, he needs to learn he can't destroy what everyone else is doing. While I am constantly getting on David's back about sharing with his brother, I need to remember David is allowed to have his own things and his own time, where James isn't bothering him.

So, with Valentine's Day just a little over a week away, I am starting to get together some ideas to make the day extra special and extra crafty, as well. Plus, there are a few good during the week activities, too. Don't forget, we also need to do something special for the #1 as well: Daddy!

Send a Hug via Paging Supermom

Pink Pancakes via Lick that Spoon
Hand Print Hearts via The Shirleys

Heart Hot Dogs via Spoonful

Clay Heart Ornaments via The Imagination Tree

Potato Heart Stamp via Homemade Serenity
Valentine Word Search Printable via Parenting
Frozen Pink Milk (or Juice) Cubes via A Subtle Revelry
Printable Party Hats via Mr. Printables
Family Valentine Dinner via Jamie Cooks It Up!
Free Valentine's Day Fonts via A Typical English Home
Valentine Cookie via Bake at 350
Valentine Art Project via Hands On As We Grow
Printable Cupcake Topper and Banner via In Johanna's Kitchen
I hope these Valentine's Day ideas inspire you to do something fun with your little ones or loved ones! Do you celebrate V-day in your home?

Monday, February 4, 2013

Monday Meal Planning

To save on the overwhelming, negative feeling associated with the question, "What am I going to do about dinner?", I have been trying really hard to decide what we are going to have each night of the week for supper in advance.

It is such a sense of relief to either have dinner done, or at least planned before the kids go down for their naps. Then I can either: prepare the putsy parts of dinner while the kids are out of my hair, or do nothing at all because dinner will take care of itself. Like, a crock pot meal or something that can be easily put together over an episode of Caillou.

The boys and I headed to Aldi this morning to pick up all the food and drink we would need for the week. I shop for 85% of my groceries at Aldi, 5% at Cub, 5% at Target, and 5% at Bob's Produce.

I had a few recipes in mind before heading out the door which helps me keep my grocery shopping in our budget. I don't want to make all the same meals as last week, so let's go over what my little family ate. Last week's dinner menu's consisted of:

Monday: Turkey meatloaf with baby red mashed potatoes and lemon salad. Recipe here.
Tuesday: Pork tenderloin with garlic herb angel hair pasta.
Wednesday: Grilled turkey BLT sandwiches with pasta salad and BBQ kettle chips.
Thursday: Ground beef soft shell tacos with nacho cheese.
Friday: Frozen pizza (from the $3.33 Target deal) and pineapple.
Saturday: Ate at a going away party.
Sunday: Ate at a super bowl party.

Maybe it is the preggo brain of mine, but I really wanted to try to make Tator Tot Casserole this week:

Photo Credit // Simply Being Mommy
I think it is something the kids will love and it seems really easy to make. I can also make this meal  to feed the kids and I at 5:30, and Pete at 7.

I also love crock pot beef stroganoff lately and put this recipe on my menu this week. Plus, I saw in Aldi's Sunday add that Egg Noodles were on sale for $.99.

Photo Credit // The Crockstar
I found a recipe for BLT dip, which sounded so fantastic, I decided to make some sort of BLT dinner again this week.We don't ever go through the whole pound of bacon. As you read, we already did grilled sandwiches last week, so I might get creative with this one, somehow.

Photo Credit // Gooseberry Patch
In addition to these three recipes, I have chicken breasts and NY strip steaks in the freezer. This takes care of the Monday through Friday meals! Pete and I allow ourselves to take the kids out to eat one night a week, and order in one night a week, as well. We don't do this every week, but some weeks we go out to eat more than once. Budgeting for out to eat dining is one of our biggest issues. We hate the money we spend dining out, but we also really enjoy the experience of it.

So, here is what our menu looks like this week. I hope to save the crock pot meal for a night I might be out of the house with the kids visiting a friend or going over to my parents. I also want to make the BLT dinner Thursday, so I can take the BLT dip to share at my Grandma's house on Friday morning.

Monday: Tator Tot Casserole.
Ground beef = $3.99/lb
Tator tots = $1.49/bag
Cream of chicken soup = $.59
Cream of mushroom = $.59
Onion = already have.
Cheese = already have.
Romaine salad (1 stalk out of a bag of 3) = $.66
Total = $7.32

Tuesday: Chicken and rice bake (with biscuits), or chicken pot pie.
Chicken = from the freezer.
Rice = already have.
Onion = already have.
Celery = $.99
Cream of chicken soup = already have.
Baking mix (similar to Bisquick) = $1.99
Romaine salad (1 stalk out of a bag of 3) = $.66
Total = $3.64

Wednesday: Crock pot beef stroganoff.
Steak = $7.34/1.64 lbs.
Cream cheese = already had.
Golden mushroom soup = $1.27
Egg noodles = $.99
Total = $9.60

Thursday: BLT Sandwiches.
Bacon = $3.99/lb
Wheat bread = $.99
Romain Lettuce (1 stalk out of a bag of 3) = $.66
Mayo = already have.
Pasta salad = $.89/box
Total = $6.53

Friday: We have a hockey game, so maybe we will go out to eat this evening.
Saturday: NY Strip Steak from the freezer.
Sunday: Pizza night.

I don't think our menu looks too shabby this week! What are you cooking for dinner this week? Have any suggestions for my creative BLT night?

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