As we all know, Minnesota weather can be totally unpredictable. Who would have predicted we would have had a 80 degree day! Almost unbelievable! Of course, once the inside of our home hit 78 degrees we decided to run the air conditioner. Which we quickly realized, was broken. Great.
It didn't help that I had been cooking a ham in the over for 5 hours either. But everything turned out great anyway, as , most of us hung out outside in the warm weather anyway.
We ended up having 26 people attend our party. My Mom and I coordinated the menu and party lists via Google Documents. I highly recommend using Google Docs if you need to share a document over and over again!
The menu? We planned for 30.
16.61 lb Ham (Cub)
Corned Beef & Cabbage (Cub Beef $2.99/lb, Cabbage $.69/lb)
Cold Spring Vegetables (Aldi - Carrots $.69/pack, Pea Pods/Green Beans $1.49/pack )
48 Croissants (Cub - $5.99/24)
40 Varied Sliced Cheeses (Cub - $1.99/10 slice)
3 Mustard Varieties (Aldi - $1.29/bottle)
Spring Fruits (Aldi - Grapes $1.34/lb, Strawberries $1.69/pack)
Ripple Chips (Aldi - $1.19/bag)
Party Mix (Aldi - $1.99/bag)
Anyone who offered to bring something, I asked to bring dessert and we ended up having a table full of a variety of sweets! It was perfection!
Most of the decor I purchased last year on after holiday clearance and I printed the water bottle labels and other party decor via How Does She.
I am already looking forward to next year!

Wow, you really go all out! Looks like a super fun party!