I have been hearing about the wonders of Craigslist for quite some time now. I used to use it for theater and music listings. Looking for things to do and jobs and such. Since we are starting our baby room I have to get rid of some furniture. I tried to hand them down with not much luck. Plus, like a lot of things in my life, when I need something done or in this case, when I need to get rid of something, I need it done/gone now.
Well, 24 hours later and it is gone. Sold. Give me a week and it is out of my house. And I made a few bucks!
However, the downside to this amazing speed of goneness. I have been addicted to checking my e-mail every 5 minutes hoping for people to be interested in my furniture. It is all I thought about at work! Have to check my email....have to check my e-mail. As my Facebook status said this morning..."Craigslist is Crack." It truly is. No wonder it is banned in high schools.
Maybe I am in the wrong business of Vintage Clothing. Antique furniture anyone?