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James 14 Months Old |
It is crazy to me James is in his second year of life. It feels like just yesterday we brought him home. Now that he is a thriving, into everything toddler, I can see all of the milestones he has reached and achievements he has made.
He is so different from his big brother David and I enjoy seeing their similarities and differences.
James can:
Walk since 11 months.
Pull up, bend over, stand from sitting.
Eat everything except hard foods, peanut butter and nuts.
No longer nurse/take a bottle.
Nap every day.
Sleep 12+ hours every night.
Wave hello and say "Buh-bye".
Blow a kiss.
Do "Wheels on the bus, wipers on the bus, money on the bus, mommy on the bus".
Hold out hands for mittens/feet for boots.
Mimic "Hat on".
Do "Amen".
Do "So big".
Throw a ball.
Put a cap on and take cap off.
Put toys in a bucket.
Dump a bucket.
Bring a book to ___.
Bring a item/toy to ___.
Lay down.
Sit down.
Lay on the pillow.
Open/close the door.
Turn light off/on.
Show me "chewing".
Recognize songs.
Spit out food/ickys.
Give "love".
Stick out his tongue.
Do "ouch".
Show where parts of his body are.
Show where mom's eyes, nose and teeth are.
James cannot (is not allowed to):
Touch the tree.
Pull hair.
Stand on the bed/chair/couch.
Touch the toilet.
Go in the fridge.
Play with the phone.
Touch the shades.
Eat "ickys".
Play with markers.
Put crayons in his mouth.
Rip paper.
Play with David's garbage toys.
Walk in the store (except Barnes & Noble).
Go up/down steps without supervision.
James can say:
Dada (first word).
Ah-Da (David).
Buh-pa (Grandpa).
All done.
James loves:
Cuddling with mom.
Wrestling with dad.
Pulling David's hair (unfortunately).
When Super Why starts at 9 am on Sprout.
When David chases him.
Baths (finally!).
Putting items/toys in buckets and baskets.
Having 20 minutes "James time" in the pack n' play.
Going up and down steps.
Play lands.
Walks/stroller/wagon rides.
Playing with David.
Bringing books to mom and reading together.
When Daddy comes home.
James does not like:
Getting his face washed after meals.
Getting his hair combed.
Diaper changes.
Putting his coat on.
Waiting to eat.
Being tired.
The Doctor.
Being put in his car seat.
Toys that drive or dolls that talk on their own.
When David takes things from him.
I love this age so much. Especially, because James is starting to become more aware of his surroundings and can do more physically. I feel like I can sit and watch him instead of help him (and help him not hurt himself). The next few months are such a fun age, if I remember right from David.
I am sure I missed about a million things, but I hope "What My One Year-Old Can Do" can bring some memories back for you or give you peek into what is to come!
Here are a few articles about what to expect from toddlers:
Baby Center: Milestones 13-18 Months
The Bump: Toddler Basics
What to Expect: Toddler Topics
I'm concerned that James doesn't like The Doctor. Doctor Who is awesome, and bow ties are cool!