Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Freeze Your Fanny Off

Since completing the half marathon last month, I have taken a 31 day hiatus. Yes, I have ran and walked a few times. However, I have not committed myself to the routine of last Summer.

My biggest excuses? It is too cold. It is too dark. I am too tired. I ate too much for dinner. It is too early. It is too late. In a few short weeks, if not a few short days, I will be saying: It is too icy. It is too snowy. I can't run in Minnesota Winter.

Where did the woman go who told herself: You can do it! You are strong! You are amazing! You can do anything!

Hibernation, maybe?

Enough already! Lace up the shoes, do whatever you have to do to get out there and go! It doesn't matter how slow or fast we go. We just need to go! I want to be able to tell myself this Spring, I don't have to start all over. I can stay conditioned. I can stay in shape. I can help myself be in the best mood I can be in, because I am doing something good for myself.

Let's be able to tell ourselves this Spring:

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Remember too, to be safe with outdoor Winter exercising. Remember these tips if you are out walking or running in the dark:

  • Wear proper night gear like reflective clothing, reflective vests, headlamps or light clips.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Assume motor vehicles cannot see you.
  • Check weather conditions before your run. Beware of snow, freezing rain and ice.
  • Tell someone your route and an approximate time you will finish.
  • Run with your cell phone.

Check into your local health clubs, gyms, and schools, as many cities have open gym one or more nights a week for a low fee. Consider saving your more intensive and longer workouts for an indoor treadmill. Also, think about having a back-up plan for times when your run is canceled due to weather conditions, like a workout DVD, weight lifting or allowing yourself a day-off with a warm bath!

We were lucky to have had a relatively mild Minnesota Winter last year. Good luck in the coming months!

* Minnesota Winter backgroud image via MN Praire Roots.

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